Meeting Rooms
Reserve A Room Today
Mon-Thu: 9:00am-7:45pm
Fri & Sat: 10:00am-4:45pm
The Carnegie Center and Book Cellar offer a refundable reservation fee of $20.00.
The reservation fee will not be refunded if the room is left in poor condition or if a meeting extends beyond library service hours.
Carnegie Center: 50
Book Cellar: 35
Click for enlarged image.
Reservations & Eligibility
The East Morgan County Library District Board of Trustees welcomes the public use of the Carnegie Center and the Book Cellar for meetings of cultural, civic, and educational groups.
Reservations will be approved on a first come, first serve basis and may be made no more than 90 days prior to the event.
No more than six events may be scheduled by the same person or group in a 90 day period. Groups wishing to meet on a regular basis are encouraged to schedule on a quarterly basis.
In accordance with the mission and goals of the library, all library programs and library sponsored meetings will take precedence for meeting room use. On rare occasions, this may result in the possible need to reschedule or cancel a previously reserved group meeting. Should the library staff have to cancel a scheduled meeting, efforts will be made to notify the person on the reservation as soon as possible.
The Director and the Library Trustees reserve the right to determine the eligibility of the person(s) requesting use of the meeting rooms and the right to refuse or revoke any or all privileges to any individual, group or organization. The District and its employees assume no liability for personal injury, property loss, equipment damage, or any other loss or injury incurred by the person or persons using the meeting rooms.
This is a partial list. The complete list is available upon reservation.
NO ALCOHOLIC beverages are allowed on the premises.
NO SMOKING is permitted on the premises.
Any damage to property or equipment will be billed to the person named on the reservation form.
There are no facilities for meal preparation, but food may be brought in.
Electric coffee pots (2) and a mini-refrigerator with an ice maker are available for use.
Room Reservation Request
Please fill out the form below. Requests must be accepted by library staff. Reservations are not guaranteed.