Interlibrary Loan
Make A Request Today
What Is Interlibrary Loan?
If you need an item that is unavailable at the East Morgan County Library (lost, missing, or something we don’t own), you can try to find it from another library through Prospector. Prospector offers access to the
contents of major Colorado public and academic libraries as well as the
University of Wyoming.
Prospector is a self-service Interlibrary Loan database.
This means once you request an item, it is shipped to the East Morgan County
Library. We will notify you when your items arrive; either an email or a call
based on your notification preferences.
In Person
Come in and ask staff to help you place an ILL request.
Submit Online Request
Search the Prospector catalog and request titles.
Give us a call and we'll request an item for you.
Once you have found a title you would like to request, use the "Request this item" button. You will select "Alliance-East Morgan County Library" as your location and enter your first or last name (both are not required) and your library card number (complete number, beginning with 23797... do not use spaces).
Please allow 7-10 business days for items to arrive at our location. You can check on the status of your Prospector request in your account on our card catalog (
Once items arrive, we will hold them for 7 business days. if they are not picked up in that amount of time, the item will be returned to the library who sent it.
Books and audios check out for 3 weeks with the possibility of 1 renewal. DVDs check out for 1 week with no renewals.
Many libraries do not allow newly released titles to circulate through Interlibrary Loan. If the title you are searching for was published in the last 6 months and you are unable to request it through Prospector, please submit a request for us to purchase the item here.